Hello Church,

It’s “hot but dry” here in Inland Southern California (or as Tamara Denlinger would want me to say it, “calidum et siccum.”).  Regardless of the temperature, it has been a joy to watch the MYF serve.  Sunday, they served with Los Angeles Faith Chapel, a Mosaic Conference congregation, and Physician Assistant trainees from Charles R. Drew University.  They served unsheltered persons at Jesse Owens Park in South Los Angeles with meals, groceries, clothes, shoes, Bibles, blood pressure, and other health screenings.  Monday, they served with Rebirth Homes, providing some labor in the heat (remember Tamara, it’s a dry heat!).  Later this week, the MYF will serve at Crest Cottages – a small pocket neighborhood being designed and purpose-built to accommodate the needs of young adults who are aging out of foster care. 

A lot of hard, hot, sweaty work in the early summer sun.  Our MYF has served without complaint, with good spirits, and with great energy.  In doing so, they’ve experienced in this week the three ways we serve our neighbors.

First, they served in ministries of relief.  They encountered hungry and homeless men and women.  Some were just down on their luck.  Others suffered from addictions.  Others were dealing with a life of poor choices.  All had a need right now, for food, for some groceries for the next meal or two, for clean clothes, for someone to pray with them, and for some immediate medical attention.  God’s mission of reconciliation helps to relieve the crisis individuals find themselves in now. 

Second, our MYF participated in ministries of development.  They worked with an agency (www.rebirthhomes.com)  committed to the long-term needs of young women who have been trafficked. This ministry provides a safe haven and a holistic approach to healing and empowerment, as well as education and advocacy in the community.  They are at work to develop a new community of women who have experienced healing and hope in the Way of Jesus.

Third, the youth served with a new ministry seeking to create sustainability. As young people in the California foster system turn 18 years old, they are “aged out,” and released from any further state support.  Renting a place to live, holding down a job, paying college tuition, even just preparing food can be an enormous challenge.  Crest Cottages (https://crestcommunitychurch.org/crest-cottages) is a model of sustainability in the transition from foster care to lifelong independent living in the Way of Jesus. 

The work that the Blooming Glen MYF is doing in the calidum et siccum of Southern California in this first week of July isn’t “make work,” so that our youth can have a church-sponsored vacation – it is a serious effort to give our youth serious missional opportunity in its various forms.  And it is a way to begin to teach the rest of us how to orient our Church Together calling to serve our neighbors and neighborhoods.  We are being invited into a mix of missional approaches – relief, development, and sustainability – as we look forward in launching our Church Together efforts.  And our MYF has the jump on the vision.

Let’s go, Church!

Pastor Jeff


Dear Church:

Last Sunday was full of surprises! Denny Gross and his “Snort Blaster” communicated precious spiritual truth about how Jesus is the way we discover who God is. Thanks, Denny! I imagine you may have felt like bringing the Snort Blaster into the sanctuary was risky business. If it was, it was worth the risk! The Pavilion proved once again that it could channel a breeze and on one of the hottest and most humid days I’ve experienced in Pennsylvania, I was able to avoid the migraines that occasionally plague my being at a Sunday picnic, and instead enjoy a comfortable place to sit together and share in conversation and a meal. One thing that was not a surprise – how wonderful, versatile, and deep our hospitality team is at Blooming Glen. Despite team members being away traveling internationally and other team members facing a difficult season of grief and loss, folks came united to enjoy putting a BBQ chicken dinner together! One shout out needs to be inserted here – Corey Detweiler and all the Rosenberger men – you don’t just grill BBQ chicken; you have a calling to a ministry of BBQ chicken!

After stuffing ourselves with chicken and fixings, a small group met in the air-conditioned conference room at Blooming Glen. Pastor Michael Bishop and our new team of preaching associates: Josh Meyer, Rachelle Kratz, and Amanda Yoder, met with me to begin the process of forming a preaching ensemble. This is one of the initial steps in creating the “Church Together” renewal effort you have called me to launch over the next two years. Together, Josh, Rachelle, Amanda, plus others, will join with me in sharing the calling to proclaim the good news of Jesus in our Sunday morning worship. This is not a lead pastor and three guest preachers taking turns. We are shifting to a new form of an old pattern. The four of us (plus others) are going to be working together to proclaim a consistent Jesus-centered message that relies on the scriptures and calls us to confess our common faith in Christ. But we will do so using our different voices and our unique gifts and perspectives. Beginning Sunday, August 4, the intentional interim pattern of a single-voiced pulpit will give way to a multi-voiced expression of what it means for us to proclaim the gospel as the church together. A quartet (quintet?) preaching in a gospel harmony will be the order of the day. Thank you, preaching associates, for your willingness to answer the call. Thank you, Pastor Michael, for making truly meaningful and significant adjustments in the ways you give leadership to planning worship. Thank you, Elders, for collaborating and giving guidance to this old/new approach to preaching.

Together, may our preaching ensemble proclaim Jesus…Yea and Amen.

Let’s Go, Church!

Pastor Jeff


P.S. | Tuesday, June 25, I left SE Pennsylvania to fly back to Southern California. I’m joining Debbie (who left on Saturday, June 22), and plan to spend much of the week taking time off from work to be with all six grandsons in Riverside, CA. On Saturday, June 29, I meet up with the MYF as they arrive for their summer service project. I’ll be spending much of the week hanging out with them and trying to avoid working too hard. After the MYF returns to Pennsylvania on July 6, I’ll be working remotely for Mosaic Conference connecting with some of the California churches. Debbie and I return to Pennsylvania on Thursday, July 11. Lord willing, I’ll be at the Broad Street Grind Friday, July 12, 3:30pm-4:45pm, for Coffee and Conversations, enjoying the Friday afternoon pick-me-up of a Doppio, with a San Pellegrino & Lemon Peel, and listening to whatever is on your mind. I’ll be back at the A&N Diner on Monday, July 15, 7:30am-8:45am, for Oatmeal, Omelets, and Observations, again, to listen to whatever is on your mind.