Dear Church,

A briefer post than usual this week…

What’s urgent for you right now? Maybe it is a doctor’s appointment. Maybe it is an exam. Maybe it is figuring out what to feed the family tonight.

What’s important for you right now? Maybe it is completing financial goals for retirement. Maybe it is completing a degree. Maybe it is making sure our kids are doing well in school.

Our best life is lived at the intersection of the important defining the urgent. When the things that require our immediate attention connect us with the things that matter most deeply to us, we find a wellspring of growth and potential for coming alive.

Too often, the urgency in our life is disconnected from the important things in our life. That generally happens because the urgencies of our everyday experience are often somebody else’s urgency, and their agendas can get in the way of the things we see to be important.

We need reframe our priorities – focusing first on the important things, and then responding to that which may have a sense of urgency. This is not some sort of self-centeredness; it is one of the several steps toward healthy discipleship.

It is said that the French emperor Napoleon Bonaparte did not open his mail until it had sat on his desk for six weeks. Only then did he know what was truly at the intersection of important and urgent. Now I’m not suggesting we stop communicating for six weeks, but I am suggesting that we need to embrace ways that allow that which we say is of ultimate importance to shape our sense of urgency in completing our daily to-do lists.

So, an invitation: What is important for you right now at Blooming Glen Church? What is urgent for you right now at Blooming Glen Church? What are the things about being church together that are ultimately important to you? And then, what ought to be our priorities going forward?

Now, I’m serious. I’d like to hear from you. I’m truly curious. Send me text, shoot me an email, give me a phone call, have a conversation with me over coffee or a meal. What is important to you for Blooming Glen’s future and what urgencies does that create for you? Let me know.

Let’s go, Church (from defining the important to managing the urgent – because vice versa never happens)!

Pastor Jeff

PS | I’m at the Broad Street Grind on Fridays from 3:30pm-4:45pm, and I’m at the A&N Diner on Mondays from 7:30am-8:45am. I’m there to listen to you.