Sr. High Youth Group
Welcome to the Blooming Glen Mennonite Church Senior MYF! Our youth group is a place for high school students to come together and grow in faith and meaningful relationships with their classmates and adult sponsor team. We meet weekly during the Sunday School hour in Room #27 where we dive into scripture and explore how our faith intersects with the issues and challenges facing us today. We gather for monthly activities that include a good mix of fun, fellowship, fundraising, and service. Friends are always welcome! The highlight of each year is our summer service trip where we go on a week-long trip to a different part of the country. These trips are always an amazing experience, full of meaningful work, faith transformation, deep connections with fellow youth and the communities we serve. Our youth group is led by our dedicated sponsor team and Jen Yoder, Senior MYF Youth Coordinator.
There are five Mennonite colleges/universities in the United States. We offer financial support to our college students that attend, and have many alumni from these institutions as members of our congregation.