One More Thing…
The Seven Principles of Christian Nonconformity
“Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may discern what is the good, pleasing, and perfect will of God.” – Romans 12.2, CSB
“The cross is where reconciliation is provided, and the church is where reconciliation is proclaimed.” – Alistair Begg
Dear Church
The Way of Jesus is the way of forgiveness. The Way of Jesus is all about God’s effort to repair that which we have broken. Sin, the Bible tells us, breaks stuff. It breaks relationships. It breaks creation. It breaks my heart, and your heart. Reconciliation heals, repairs, and makes new that which we’ve broken. Christian nonconformity believes in the truth that repair is always preferable to retribution, and always possible no matter how broken things might be. Christian nonconformity reminds us that God’s intent isn’t to punish – God’s intent is to heal every heart and recreate a new heaven and a new earth. Of course, sin mars and scars. The wages of sin is death – but God’s choice is eternal reconciliation through the faithfulness of Jesus.
Reconciliation requires from us a rejection of violence as our means to “solve” the problem. Retribution and violence offer no hope and bring no solution. Retribution only ensures that despair deepens. Reconciliation doesn’t mean that we ignore the perpetration of violence by others. Instead, it means we seek to resist the violence of others through faith, hope, and love. Reconciliation does not pretend that there is no evil. Quite the opposite. Reconciliation means we shine the light on evil in the world. It means we unmask evil in the world. It proclaims to perpetrations of evil and violence that we will love them even as we oppose them...for God can redeem anyone and heal any brokenness.
So, let’s go, church (and confront the power of evil with God’s good news)!
Pastor Jeff
P.S. Debbie and I are, Lord willing, on the West Coast as you read this blog. I will be back in Pennsylvania on March 1 (in time for the MYF auction!). Which means I’ll be back at the A&N Diner to listen to whatever is on your mind on Monday, March 3 (7:30am-8:45am), and I’ll be back for an afternoon Caffe Breve at the Broad Street Grind on Friday, March 7 (3:30pm-4:45pm).