Dear Church,
No two churches are alike. The cultures of congregations are diverse and unique.
At Los Angeles Faith Chapel this last weekend, I saw that with fresh insight. Here is a church with three clear priorities: First, to praise God for who God is, not for how we are doing. Second, to minister with people who are at the margins: the homeless, the widow, the orphan, the undocumented, the addicted. At every turn, Faith Chapel offers a spiritual word, and a hot meal. Faith Chapel prays with those in pain and walks with them through the hard steps of recovery. It may be a small congregation by more privileged measurements. It may be better to think of Los Angeles Faith Chapel not a church growth project, but as a missionary outpost of healing and hope. The music is loud, the energy is chaotic, but the point is clear: everyone who comes through the front doors need the healing and hope of Jesus, and so, somehow, this small congregation with no budget, no salaries, no resources apart from the spiritual equivalents of bailing wire, duct tape, and chewing gum, go out every Sunday and joyfully proclaim that Christ is Lord.
The third thing they do at Faith Chapel is raise up leaders. As our 3+ hour long worship service unpacked, I began to think back. In nearly thirty years of ministry, Los Angeles Faith Chapel has recruited, equipped, deployed, and supported over 40 men and women in Christian ministry. Some are Mennonite. Some are not. Some are back in Africa. Some are in Los Angeles. Some are taking deeper training at Eastern Mennonite Seminary. Some are barely literate. All heard God’s call.
To praise God with exuberance. To minister healing and hope with those at the margins. To raise up leaders from the margins for the margins. That’s an amazing call God has asked this resource poor congregation to dive into.
What is the amazing call God has for Blooming Glen Mennonite Church? What is the unique and simple invitation God is giving us? Upper Bucks County is growing. Blooming Glen Mennonite Church is snug between the gentrifying communities of Perkasie and Dublin. As we reach the ripe old age of 275 years, are we being invited by God to a new thing in a new world?
We have the financial, facility, and yes, the human capital, to meet God’s new invitation – to be the Church Together. To worship in a manner that discovers anew the union of our story to God’s story. To love one another enough to care deeply for each other as we walk with Christ and challenge each other directly to follow Christ. To serve our neighbors near and far with generosity in the name of Christ. God’s unique calling to Blooming Glen isn’t for us to be transformed. God’s calling is for us who are transformed to share it with others
Our journey together with Jesus is to learn to rely on the scriptures as our story, to practice peace through compassionate candor, and to be increasingly generous with our neighbors.
Let’s go, church - live into God’s amazing calling!
Pastor Jeff
P.S. | I’m preaching this Sunday, October 20, at Deep Run West Mennonite Church. Jenny Fujita is preaching at Blooming Glen! I’m at the Broad Street Grind, Fridays, 3:30-4:45pm, and at the A&N Diner on Mondays at 7:30-8:45am. I come to those places to listen to you, and whatever is on your heart, mind, and soul.