Please note that you must
submit each section separately.
Recommendations for New Members of CLB, Foundation Groups, and Conference Delegates
TO: All Members of Blooming Glen Mennonite Church
FROM: Gifts Discernment Foundation Group
DATE: February 9, 2025
We are beginning our annual discernment process for selecting new members for lay leadership to replace current members of the Congregational Leadership Board (CLB) and Foundation Groups whose terms are ending as of August 31. The term limit for CLB and Foundation Group members is two consecutive three-year terms. Mosaic Mennonite Conference Delegates serve one three-year term running from December to the following November.
Your participation is requested by recommending church members for these congregational positions. Because we want to discern God’s will together, we encourage you to discuss persons gifted to serve in these positions with others throughout the next three weeks. We encourage Prayer Groups, Sunday School Classes, or small groups to work together for this discerning process. By processing our thoughts together, we often see God’s leading with more clarity. Please prayerfully consider a good balance of gifts and gender as you think about persons for these positions. If you feel called to serve in a particular role, please do not hesitate to include your name.
Below is a summary of the process and timing to call new persons for Congregational Leadership Board positions, all Foundation Groups, and Conference Delegates.
Sunday, March 2: Deadline for submitting forms
Completed recommendation forms may be submitted electronically using the link in the Glen News or on our website or placed in the collection box outside the church office. Electronic submission is the preferred method.
For this ONLINE form you will need to press the “SUBMIT” button after each section.
The Gifts Discernment Foundation Group will compile a list of all persons recommended. Consideration will be given to those receiving the strongest affirmation and also discerning which persons best fit the needed gifts for each position. Input will also be invited from the Lead Pastor and CLB chairperson before the congregational affirmation.
Sunday, June 8: Vote to affirm nominations
Members of the congregation will be asked to affirm or not affirm the nominations to serve in these new positions beginning September 1. Persons whose first terms are expiring and have agreed to serve a second term will also need to be reaffirmed by the congregation.
Participants in the Discernment Process:
Gifts Discernment Foundation Group
CLB representative
Lead Pastor
Executive Assistant
*In order for the form to be counted using both electronic and paper ballot, it must have the name(s) of the member submitting the form. This form can be used by more than one member to submit recommendations. If two members sign it will be counted as two recommendations.
Congregational Leadership Board
Purpose: The Congregational Leadership Board shall be the policy making body and executive body of the Church. It shall transact the business of the Church, administering and coordinating its activities. It shall make provision for determining the current budget, provide for auditing of financial accounts, and for adequate staff support. It shall keep complete and accurate records of proceedings and report to the Congregation on a regular basis and at regular and special meetings. All actions and deliberations of the Congregational Leadership Board are subject to the will of, and revision by, the members at a regular or special meeting.
Qualifications: A board member must have a faith that models commitment to Christ in everyday life and is committed to the Anabaptist understanding of faith. She/he must be able to work with others, have a sense of loyalty and commitment to the church, and have a vision for the church to move forward in its mission and vision. This person has the capacity to inspire, lead, and encourage others.
Openings: One new member is needed. Todd Alderfer has finished his second term. John Derstine and Bruce Thomas have agreed to serve an additional term. The CLB is also looking for someone to serve as the Congregational Secretary at Prayer and Business Meetings.
Needed Gifts: For the CLB member, a female who is actively involved with BGMC that has a servanthood spirit. For the Congregational Secretary, a person who is skilled at taking notes and is available to attend most congregational meetings.
Current Members / Term Year / Term Expiration Date:
Todd Alderfer / 2nd term / 2025
John Derstine, Chair / 1st term / 2025
Bruce Thomas / 1st term, 1 year term / 2025
Doug Clemens / 1st term / 2026
Marcelo Mast / 1st term / 2026
Jodi Stewart Moore / 1st term / 2026
Sharon Fransen / 1st term / 2027
Amanda Youk / 1st term / 2027
Lead Pastor, Jeff Wright
Congregational Leadership Board Recommendation(s):
Foundation Group: Elders
Purpose: Provide support for the spiritual, emotional and physical well-being of members. Give guidance to worship, preaching and teaching based on biblical principles and denominational foundations. Discern issues of membership (both acceptance of membership and forfeiture of membership) and assist pastors in providing membership classes. Guide the discernment and administration of mutual aid. Lead the congregation in being a forgiving, loving and caring community. Be a resource and counsel for pastors in matters of theology and church discipline.
Openings: One new member is needed. Tamara Denlinger has completed her second term. Kathy Kennel has agreed to serve a second term.
Needed Gifts: Someone who is a team player, flexible and dedicated to BGMC. A younger person that has been a member would be preferred. Devotion to prayer for our church and the community. An Elder should have a calling in line with guiding ministry. This will involve additional meetings with designated staff to guide/give as well as receive counsel.
Current Members / Term Year / Term Expiration Date:
Tamara Denlinger, Chair / 2nd term / 2025
Kathy Kennel / 1st term / 2025
Janet Landes / 1st term / 2026
Jim Shelly / 2nd term / 2026
Rose Lambright / 1st term / 2027
Ben Moyer / 2nd term / 2027
Pastors, Jeff Wright and Michael Bishop
Elders Recommendation(s):
Foundation Group: Gifts Discernment
Purpose: The Gifts Discernment Foundation Group shall seek out gifts, aptitudes, and interests of members and encourage their use of time and talents within the Congregation. It shall serve as a networking link between persons and ministries. Gifts Discernment is also responsible to lead the process to fill vacancies of expired terms for Congregational Leadership Board positions and all Foundation Groups.
Openings: No new members are needed. Brenda Bishop has agreed to serve a second term.
Current Members / Term Year / Term Expiration Date:
Brenda Bishop / 1st term, 2 year term / 2025
Lois Boaman / 1st term, 2 year term / 2026
Phil Roth, Chair / 1st term/ 2026
Merrill Allebach / 2nd term/ 2027
Sharon Bishop / 1st term/ 2027
Corey Detweiler / 1st term / 2027
Lead Pastor, Jeff Wright
Executive Assistant, Michelle Ahn-Doettger
Foundation Group: Stewardship
Purpose: The Stewardship Foundation Group shall encourage the Congregation in the stewardship of its total resources. It shall be responsible for the financial affairs of the Congregation and shall in conjunction with the Congregational Leadership Board prepare the annual spending plan.
Openings: One new member is needed. Ken T. Rush has completed his second term. Matt Rittenhouse and Steve Hunsberger have agreed to serve an additional term.
Needed Gifts: Someone with financial understanding and a heart for Blooming Glen.
Current Members / Term Year / Term Expiration Date:
Steve Hunsberger / 1st term, 1 year term / 2025
Matt Rittenhouse, Chair / 1st term / 2025
Ken T. Rush / 2nd term / 2025
Betty (Scott) Kulp / 2nd term / 2027
Alicia Reiff / 1st term / 2027
Treasurer, Karin Honeybone
Bookkeeper, Conrad Martin
Lead Pastor, Jeff Wright
Executive Assistant, Michelle Ahn-Doettger
Foundation Group: Trustees
Purpose: The Trustees Foundation Group is responsible for the protection, care, upkeep, changes such as renovations and additions, and repairs of the physical facilities of the Church and properties owned by the Church.
Openings: One new member is needed. Preston Miller is completing his second term. Chad Yoder and Bob Rutt have agreed to serve an additional term.
Needed Gifts: A young adult or youth who is looking to serve the church and learn about the building and property.
Current Members / Term Year / Term Expiration Date:
Preston Miller / 2nd term / 2025
Bob Rutt / 1st term, 1 year term / 2025
Chad Yoder, Chair / 1st term, 2 year term / 2025
Gil Bishop / 2nd term / 2026
Isaiah Denlinger / 2nd term / 2026
Sheldon Champion / 1st term / 2027
Adolph Jager / 1st term / 2027
Ron Landes / 2nd term / 2027
Executive Assistant, Michelle Ahn-Doettger
Lead Pastor, Jeff Wright
Mosaic Conference Delegates
Purpose: The delegates will represent Blooming Glen Mennonite Church at the Fall Mosaic Mennonite Conference Assembly session and any other general or special sessions. Terms run from December to November.
Openings: One new member is needed as Steve Hunsberger is completing his term.
Needed Gifts: This person should have a comprehensive knowledge of Blooming Glen Mennonite Church and our values.
Current Members / Term Expiration Date:
Steve Hunsberger / Nov. 2025
Martin Franke / Nov. 2026
Brenda Shelly / Nov. 2027
Elders Representative, TBD by the Elders
CLB Representative, TBD by the CLB
Pastors, Jeff Wright and Michael Bishop
Conference Delegates Recommendation(s):